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Your growth

    I can confidently be called an ambitious person. I always try to get maximum from life and give my best. It is very important for me to achieve goals. I began my path to achieving one of the main goals when I was a 4th year student at Tashkent Financial Institute. Since the banking sphere attracted me most of all, I was focused on ensuring that my practical work took place in a bank. I managed to get into the list of the lucky ones who had a practical work at Ipoteka Bank. After studying in China, I returned to my dear bank and began my career as a specialist in Credit Department. Since my ambitions were off scale, I decided to try myself in another direction, no less interesting and quite new. After a certain procedure to determine the degree of my work experience and competence, I was transferred to the Project Management Group (PMO), where a new world opened up for me, new knowledge and valuable experience of working with a team of professionals together with consultants of the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Working in a group brought me joy, a lot of emotions and confidence that I have a very important mission, my place and, of course, professional competence, which is appreciated by my management and colleagues. Today, I have grown to a leading specialist in a fairly short time. All this thanks to my leaders who were able to unleash my potential and give the right direction. In my bank, I always see and get an opportunity not only for personal growth, but also for career growth!

    Nodira Donaboeva
    Leading Specialist of Project Management Group

    “Ipoteka-bank”JSCMB established a good platform for the enthusiastic youth to gain experience from professionals. It, to my point of view, is healthy integration of new fresh ideas with the existing professional skills to generate unique ideas for the development of the banking system of Uzbekistan. Moreover, working in the innovation-driven and friendly atmosphere inspires and drives to work effectively and keep researching to create new opportunities for our customers. I, myself, have joined to Plastic Department as an intern and knew nothing about how things supposed to work. However, a three-month-internship program gave me an opportunity to learn plastic cards integral system. My interest, passion and enthusiasm made me to work hard and learn more from the geniuses of my Department. Thanks to my supportive and handful team, today I am officially employed at the Plastic Department as a specialist. Looking back, I personally believe that if one is passionate and hardworking, they can reach even impossible targets! ”

    Feruza Musayeva
    Plastic Cards Department

    Banking system is an integral part of any country’s economy. Therefore, I would say without any doubts that, working in a bank burdens a huge responsibility , since the banker’s each decision has an impact on the economy. I had always dreamt about feeling this responsibility and contribute to the prosperity of our country’s economy. I am really delighted to say that “Ipoteka-bank” JSCMB is one of the best banks in Uzbekistan, which is always ready to support youths, who are filled with ambitions and ready to show their abilities. After completing my internship successfully in “Ipoteka-bank” JSCMB, I became an official employee of the Credit Department. In spite of my little knowledge and experience in this sphere, thanks to my friendly and supporting team, I became a skilled underwriter in a very short period of time. Now, I am engaged in the process of giving loans to Middle and Small-sized Enterprises. By working in this sphere, I am not only learning how banking sphere operates , but also I have a chance to see how the business is created and develops. I feel happy to be part of Underwriters’ team and I will achieve huge success both personally and professionally.

    Aminboeva Aziza
    A specialist of Underwriting of Small and Medium Business Department

    Throughout my life, I have always tried to be different and tried to do the work that everyone considered impossible, and the international university significantly developed this trait of mine. Moreover, I believe that no matter what profession a person has, financial literacy is always beneficial, and in order to develop my financial literacy well, I decided to start my work experience in a bank. The beginning of my banking career coincided with a period of great transformation of the bank, and I started my work in the Business block in the Branch Network department. For me it became a very huge experience working not only with experienced and professional leaders, but also with foreign experts from the International Finance Corporation (IFC). During the transformation period, I was entrusted with the creation of an employee performance assessment system (KPI), a customer base system (CRM light), analysis of customer flow through an electronic queue system, and much more. We are facing the opportunity to exchange experience with world banks.

    Zokirzhon Nosirov
    Chief Specialist of the Branch Network Department

    Personally, one of the most attractive sectors in the economy is banking. The first advantage should be recognized as prestige, as well as the opportunity to get a unique experience that will be useful in any field. I started my activity in the field of production and insurance in which I received a lot of useful information, expanding my skills and knowledge. However, I got a good chance to penetrate the banking system, which I had been planning for a long time, because I have always seen myself as successful in this area. It was not the work in the bank that fascinated me, but the fact that I got the opportunity to join a department that works with international experts, with independent directors from various countries, with whom I could exchange experiences, knowledge, and culture of this area. At this stage, I am a leading specialist of the Corporate Consultant Service of JSCMB "Ipoteka-Bank". I admire my work as I am in constant contact with the Bank's Supervisory Board, which is mainly composed of foreign experts and is considered the highest level of the bank. In addition, I work with the securities and shareholders of the bank.

    Alisher Rasulov
    Leading Specialist of the Corporate Consultant Service