Posted by: 23 january, 2020

At the head office of Ipoteka-Bank, a meeting of management with active youth was held. The meeting, held in a special atmosphere, in the form of an open dialogue with an introductory speech was opened by the chairman of the board of JSCMB Ipoteka-Bank Sh. Atabaev.
He focused on the work carried out in the bank as part of the implementation of the five important initiatives put forward by the President of Uzbekistan and large-scale measures aimed at implementing the state youth policy.
The meeting, held in a friendly atmosphere, made a great impression on the youth. Moreover, the event noted the need to pay attention to the youth’s desire for innovations, the bank's implementation of its initiatives, the effective use of foreign experience in the financial sector and, most importantly, the formation of independent thinking among young people.
The youth outlined their problems, put forward good initiatives and suggestions. Most importantly, the chairman of the board approved the majority of the proposals put forward by the participants, gave relevant instructions to solve the problems in the field.
The suggestions, opinions and reasoning presented at the event, which was held in high spirits, will serve as an important basis for creating additional amenities and popularizing the bank's services.
The chairman of the board identified the authors of the best proposals who were presented with books - sources of knowledge.