Posted by: 17 january, 2020
JSCMB “Ipoteka-Bank” was recognized as the winner in the nomination “The best bank supported the people in improving the standard of living in 2019” in the competition “Choice of the Year - 2019” organized by the National News Agency of Uzbekistan.

This competition was announced in 2019 among public organizations, government and economic administration bodies, ministries, the most active media that demonstrate openness and transparency in the system and have achieved effective results among the population.

We thank all our compatriots who voted for us in the competition.
We are glad to our cooperation!

This competition was announced in 2019 among public organizations, government and economic administration bodies, ministries, the most active media that demonstrate openness and transparency in the system and have achieved effective results among the population.

We thank all our compatriots who voted for us in the competition.
We are glad to our cooperation!