Now, two talented employees of Ipoteka Bank have the opportunity to further strengthen their skills and knowledge at prestigious universities in the UK.
Posted by: 22 october, 2021

As you know, with the initiative of the President, it was established the Fund of "EL YURT UMIDI" for training specialists abroad and communicate with compatriots.
Two employees of Ipoteka Bank were among the winners of scholarship in the competitions organized by the Fund for the 2021-2022 academic year to study in the most prestigious foreign countries.
Now they are studying at prestigious universities in the UK, in particular:
- Marksov Ozodbek Muzaffar ugli, Chief Specialist of the Operations Department will study for a master's degree in “MSc Finance and Big Data Analytics at the University of Swansea”;
- Mavlanov Giyosiddin Khalimovich, Analyst of the Strategy Department, will study for a master's degree in “LLM International Financial Law at the University of Sussex”;
We wish Giyosiddin and Ozodbek good luck in their studies. We wish them to become worthy specialists who will make a great contribution to the development of our country.