Posted by: 5 april, 2022

The Center for Economic Research and Reforms (CERR) under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan has published a Banking activity index for the 1st quarter of 2022. According to the rating, for the 1st quarter of this year Ipoteka-bank achieved the highest growth among banks, rising by 6 positions and taking 3rd place among all banks and 1st place among the state-owned banks.
The CERR’s analysts specify, that mainly Ipoteka-bank, which is in the process of transformation and privatization, while maintaining its leadership in terms of financial inclusion (increased deposits to loans, activities in international and local financial markets), improved the quality of management (optimized business (CIR), increased profit per employee and risk-free income) in order to achieve positive results.
Ipoteka-bank`s assets reached 9% of the total assets of the banking sectors in the country achieving 4th position amongst all banks. Our bank remains focused on increasing its product offerings, and delivering high quality services to customers in all business segments.
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