Posted by: 4 december, 2020

On December 2, 2020, an online conference was held on the topic "Launch of the EBRD Women in Business Programme in Central Asia ", with participation of representatives from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan and financial institutions. Deputy Chairperson of the Senate of the Republic of Uzbekistan Zayniddin Nizomhujaev and EBRD Managers addressed the event.
The programme promotes women’s entrepreneurship and participation in business by assisting with access to finance, know-how and technical advice. The Women in Business in Uzbekistan is supported by donor funding from the Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi) and the EBRD’s Small Business Impact Fund ( Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Taipei China and the USA).
At the conference, it was noted that “Women in Business in Central Asia” program of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development is being implemented for the first time in Uzbekistan.
Chairman of the Management Board of Ipoteka Bank Shukhrat Atabayev shared his opinion on the creation of new jobs through the further development of women's entrepreneurship in various sectors of economy.
One of the customers of Ipoteka Bank, Head of Miss Lightening LLC Rakhmanova Umida Adilovna, who successfully maintained and developed her business during the COVID 19 pandemic, was awarded a certificate and souvenirs at the event.
Umida Rakhmanova expressed her gratitude to the event organizers and Bank’s specialists. She noted that development of women’s entrepreneurship is important in ensuring economic stability.
It was emphasized that the allocation of $10 million under the loan agreement signed between EBRD and Ipoteka Bank to support women entrepreneurs in Uzbekistan will be aimed at supporting women's entrepreneurship in the country, and will also serve to further accelerate work in this direction.
Following the event, representatives of the EBRD and financial institutions identified appropriate measures for the future, including the further development of entrepreneurship among women and increasing their financial and legal literacy.